

 Welcome to one of God's smallest & humblest of Christian organisations that Jesus deigned to be named
'Of St Faustina'
Of St Faustina is a predominantly self-funded Catholic charity dedicating its time & resource on behalf of Jesus & His 
"Secretary of Divine Mercy" St Faustina, in the gifting
(or temporary bulk lending) of copies of St Faustina's diary to God's beloved mankind.  Her diary contains not only Jesus's further lifechanging spritual guiding words of Divine Mercy to the World, but also provides further revelatory Divine mystery & knowledge, entrusted by Jesus solely to St Faustina, for her to record faithfully during her short devout life (1905-1938) , exactly as Jesus so lovingly instructed her to so do.
The diary also contains the beauty of the Divine Mercy image of Christ, as revealed when Jesus spoke so frequently & with such Divine love & mercy to St Faustina.  Jesus instructed her to ensure she painted His image exactly as He appeared to her.  He further instructed her to ensure His words
"Jesus I Trust In You"
were placed at the foot of the painting, because it goes to the very heart of Jesus's "final" Divine Mercy message to the World.

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